The ABxM.Core consists of the agent core library ABxM.Core and an interoperability library for Rhino 6 and later versions. ABxM.Core implements the functionality specific to agent-based modelling and simulation. The core library can, in principle, be referenced from any application that is compatible with McNeel’s Rhino.Inside technology.
ABxM.Core defines four base classes for behaviors, agents, agent systems, and environments, and the Solver class. In addition to the base classes, the core library provides implementations for Vector-based systems called “Boid” (in reference to Craig Reynolds’ Boids), point-based systems called “Cartesian”, matrix-based systems (2d and 3d), mesh systems, and network systems. The necessary agent, system, environment, and behavior classes are derived from the corresponding base classes.
Instructions for the use of the source code are included in the file "ABxM.Core-Further_instructions.pdf".
Visual Studio, 16