Concentration and composition of aerosols over the North Atlantic in August 1995


Data on composition of aerosols are considered. Investigations include electron microscopy, grain size, mineralogical and chemical analyses. Samples of aerosols were collected Cruise 37 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh along a transatlantic section along 40°-50°N. Variability of concentrations and composition of aerosols with distance from continents is shown: concentrations of aerosols decrease by factor of ten and more. Significant portion of mineral components in aerosols collected over the continent is replaced by organic matter due to mechanical differentiation during transportation. Such anthropogenic components as soot, ash, and combustion spheres were detected in all samples. North African dust was found in one sample in the western part of the section.

Supplement to: Lukashin, Vyacheslav N; Isaeva, Alexandra B; Serova, Valentina V; Gordeev, Vladimir Yu; Stein, Ruediger (2000): Research of the Aerosols over the North Atlantic Ocean. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2000, 40(4), 594-605, Oceanology, 40(4), 557-568

Metadata Access
Creator Lukashin, Vyacheslav N; Isaeva, Alexandra B; Serova, Valentina V; Gordeev, Vladimir Yu; Stein, Ruediger ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2000
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 5 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-57.533W, 45.017S, 10.467E, 57.800N); North Atlantic Ocean
Temporal Coverage Begin 1995-08-11T08:44:15Z
Temporal Coverage End 1995-08-21T08:54:15Z