Code for: Experimental Investigations of the Flow-Following Capabilities and Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Lagrangian Sensor Particles With Respect to Their Centre of Mass


Data for 2D Lagrangian Particle tracking and evaluation for their hydrodynamic characteristics


This dataset entails PYTHON code for fluid mechanic evaluation of Lagrangian Particles with the "Consensus-Based tracking with Selective Rejection of Tracklets" (CSRT) algorithm in the "OpenCV" library, written by Ryan Rautenbach in the framework of his Master thesis.

Workflow for Lagrangian Particle tracking and evaluatio via OpenCV

In the following a brief introduction and guide based on the folders in the repository is laid out. More code specific instructions can be found in the respective codes.

working_env_RMR.yml --> Contains the entire environment including software versions (here used with Spyder IDE and Conda) with which the datasets were evaluated.

01 --> The tracking always begins with the same 01_milti[...] folder in which the python code with OpenCV algorithm is located. For tracking the tracking to work certain directories are required in which the raw images are to be stored (separate from anything else) as well as a directory in which the results are to be save (not the same directory as the raw data).

After tracking is completed for all respective experiments and the results directories are adequately labelled and stored any of the other code files can be used for respective analyses. The order of folders beyond the first 01 directory has no relevance to the order of evaluation however can ease the understanding of evaluated data if followed.

02 --> Evaluation of amount of circulations and respective circulation time in experimental vat. (code can be extended to calculate the circulation time based on the various plains that are artificially set)

03 --> Code for the calculation of the amount of contacts with the vat floor. Code requires certain visual evaluations based on the LP trajectories, as the plain/barrier for the contact evaluation has to be manually set.

04 --> Contains two codes that can be applied to results data to combine individual results into larger more processable arrays within python.

05 --> Contains the code to plot the trajectory of single experiments of Lagrangian particles based on their positional results and velocity at respective position, highlighting the trajectory over the experiment.

06 --> Condes to create 1D histograms based on the probability density distribution and velocity distributions in cumulative experiments.

07 --> Codes for plotting the 2D probability density distribution (2D Histograms) of Lagrangian Particles based on the cumulative experiments. Code provides values for the 2D grid, plotting is conducted in Origin Lab or similar graphing tools, graphing can also be conducted in python whereby the seaborn (matplotlib) library is suggested.

08 --> Contain the code for the dimensionless evaluation of the results based on the respective Stokes number approaches and weighted averages. 2D histograms are also vital to this evaluation, whereby the plotting is again conducted in Origin Lab as values are only calculated in code.

09 --> Directory does not contain any python codes but instead contains the respective Origin Lab files for the graphing, plotting and evaluation of results calculated via python is given. Respective tables, histograms and heat maps are hereby given to be used as templates if necessary.

Metadata Access
Creator Hofmann, Sebastian ORCID logo; Rautenbach, Ryan ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Hofmann, Sebastian; Hoffmann, Marko; Schlüter, Michael
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference DFG 427899833
Rights GPL 3.0 or later; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Hofmann, Sebastian (TU Hamburg (TUHH)); Hoffmann, Marko (TU Hamburg (TUHH)); Schlüter, Michael (TU Hamburg (TUHH))
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; text/x-python
Size 180615283; 194615653; 14138; 2011; 2968; 1914; 4603; 1824; 9608; 3451; 3566; 3560; 6841
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences