Dataset on dynamic analysis of a wheel with displaced mass rolling over a horizontal plane


Rigid solid body dynamics is a key element of the undergraduate mechanical engineering curriculum. In a context of reverse engineering and/or sustainable development, being able to analyze the mechanical and material properties of a system without damaging it is a required skill. In this dataset, a wheel with displaced mass rolling over horizontal path without sliding is studied. Four generations of last year bachelor students in mechanical engineering, representing a hundred people a year, followed a total of 12 hours of practical sessions working on such systems. This work aims at showing how computer tools can help and improve a rigid solid body dynamics course.

Tracker, 6.0.3

Python, 3.7

FreeCAD, 0.18.4

Metadata Access
Creator Baldit, Adrien ORCID logo; de Oliveira Cafiero, Caio; Landier, Joël; Rimbert, François
Publisher Université de Lorraine
Contributor Baldit, Adrien; Rimbert, François; Landier, Joël; de Oliveira Cafiero, Caio
Publication Year 2023
Rights Etalab (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Baldit, Adrien (LEM3; ENIM ; Université de Lorraine ; France)
Resource Type Audiovisual; Dataset
Format text/x-python; text/markdown; text/tab-separated-values; text/csv; application/octet-stream
Size 3178; 25162; 10835; 7577; 3121; 2656; 37682; 5855; 1099; 35975; 39805; 115900416; 316729; 90439680; 317669; 13063
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Design; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; Humanities; Natural Sciences; Physics