Influence of frustration on the magnetic order in CePdAl


CePdAl is a geometrically frustrated heavy fermion compund that orders antiferromgnetically below TN = 2.7 K with an incommensurate structure with Q = (0.5 0 0.35)and is in the vicinity to a quantum cristical point (QCP). Only 2/3 of the Ce moments show long-range-order below TN, while the remaining 1/3 shows only short-range-ordering which is directly connected to the frustration in the system. While TN can be changed by pressure or concentration tuning, frustration is supposed to span a new axis in the parameterspace in tuning a QCP. We propose to study the influence of geometrical frustration on the magnetic order and TN in CePdAl. Therefore we want to apply uniaxial pressure along the ab-plane in order to decrease the symmetry of the Ce-triangles and therby lift the frustration.

Metadata Access
Creator Lemee, Marie Helene; Stockert, Oliver; Woitschach, Sarah; Capelli, Silvia; Fritsch, Veronika; Huesges, Zita
Publisher Institut Laue-Langevin
Publication Year 2014
Rights OpenAccess; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Size 765 MB
Version 1
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields