These files contain the GWAS summary statistics as described in van der Zee, M.D., et al. (2021, manuscript submitted). If summary statistics are used, please make sure to include a reference to the original manuscript.
In this directory you can find GWAS summary statistics for total volume of exercise (MET_Total), team-based exercise (MET_Team), solitary exercise (MET_Comp), competitive exercise (MET_Comp), non-competitive exercise (MET_Ncomp), externally paced exercise (MET_PaceE) and internally paced exercise (MET_PaceI). All files are tab-delimited, and gzipped.
All files include the following columns:
- RSID: persistent rs-identifier of SNP if available, otherwise missing
- Chr: Chromsome number (chromosome 23 represents the X-chromosome), build 37
- bp: basepair position, build 37
- A1: effect allele
- A2: other allele
- EAF: effect allele frequency
- OAF: other allele frequency
- MAF: minor allele frequency
- Info: Imputation quality
- b: Beta
- se: Standard error
- p: Associated p-value
- N: Number of GWAS samples