Študijski krožki 2010


Študijski krožki so majhne skupine za neformalno učenje, kjer se zbirajo, učijo in družijo radovedni odrasli ter s svojimi rezultati prispevajo k razvoju domačega okolja. Potekajo po preprostih, a stabilnih pravilih že od leta 1993. Sistematično spremljanje je bilo zasnovano z namenom letnih poročil, ki so po desetih letih prešla v raziskovano zasnovane analize. Namen spremljanja in raziskovanja na podlagi teh podatkov je ugotavljanje značilnosti neformalnega učenja v majhnih skupinah, ki poteka po vsej Sloveniji celo leto, financira pa ga MŠŠ pod določenimi pogoji (usposobljenost mentorja, upoštevanje načel ŠK). Raziskovanje poteka v okviru rednih nalog Andragoškega centra Slovenije. Rezultati raziskav služijo financerju za razvoj izobraževanja odraslih (npr. odzivanje na potrebe), za raziskovalno preučevanje specifičnih vprašanj (npr. odzivnosti določenih segmentov družbe, posebnosti skupnostnega učenja), za opazovanje časovne dinamike razvoja (npr. finančna vlaganja občin v izobraževanje odraslih) in za primerjave s tujino, zlasti s Skandinavskimi državami.

Study circles are a non-formal way of learning, which gather people who wish to learn something new on certain topics, to keep each other company and to do something useful for their living environment or for other people. Study circles have spread all over Slovenia and present a way of motivating those parts of the population who rarely get engaged in standard forms of education. For small places and places where there is a lack of learning possibilities, study circles present an opportunity for learning, meeting and being active in the community. Their aims are to promote knowledge necessary for the development and preservation of rural areas, and for active citizenship, as well as to stimulate the participants' personal development. The purpose of monitoring and researching study circles is to determine characteristics of informal learning in small groups taking place across Slovenia throughout the year. Learning is financed by Slovene ministry of education under certain conditions (mentor capabilities, the principles of study circles). Exploration takes place in the regular tasks of Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. Research results serve financer for the development of adult education, an exploratory study of specific issues (eg. the response of certain segments of society, the specificities of the Community Learning), to observe the time dynamics (eg. financial investments of municipalities in adult education) and for comparisons with other countries, especially Scandinavian ones.

Zajeta celotna populacijaTotalUniverseCompleteEnumeration

Total universe/Complete enumerationTotalUniverseCompleteEnumeration

Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanjeSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire

Self-administered questionnaireSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire

DOI https://doi.org/10.17898/ADP_STUDKR10_V1
Related Identifier http://sk.acs.si/
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=6f83b904217682cd801c2579e4a9dc0bfae30a97404a3d1224e0b6240712054c
Creator Bogataj, Nevenka
Publisher Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov; Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Social Science Data Archives
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport; Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Rights ADP, 2024; Podatki in dokumentacija so na voljo pod mednarodno licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva 4.0. Arhiv izroča podatke uporabnikom samo za namen, ki ga posebej opredelijo, ob zagotovitvi spoštovanja profesionalnih etičnih kodeksov. Uporabnik se posebej zaveže, da bo skrbel za tajnost podatkov in opravljal analize brez poskusov identifikacije posameznika.; The data and materials are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Users may use the data only for the purposes stated in the registration form and in accordance with professional codes of ethics. Users expressly agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data and to conduct analyses without attempting to identify the individuals and institutions covered by the materials.
OpenAccess true
Contact http://www.adp.fdv.uni-lj.si
Resource Type ŠtevilskiNumeric; NumericNumeric
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Slovenija; Slovenia; Slovenija; Slovenia