Towing Path User Survey : Leeds and Liverpool Canal, 1986


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This survey was undertaken to determine levels of use and attitudes of users to each other; to determine the change in levels of use and user attitudes after opening the towing path to unrestricted cycle use; to establish whether the new facilities encourage new visitors; to establish whether the towing path functions as part of a wider leisure path network; to obtain users' views on the new facilities.

Main Topics: Group size, age, sex; origins, distance travelled, destinations, purpose of visit, frequency of visits; method of transport; use of local footpaths and country roads; how visitors heard of site, attractions of site, attitudes to other users, difficulties in using the towing path. In addition to the interview data, observation data was collected for different types of user for forty minutes per hour between 10 a.m. and 6.40 p.m. on each survey date for 1 mile stretches of towing path centred on the survey points.

Face-to-face interview


Metadata Access
Creator Groome, D. M., University of Manchester, Department of Town and Country Planning; Banister, C., University of Manchester, Department of Planning and Landscape; Pawson, G. P., University of Manchester, Department of Planning and Landscape
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 1989
Funding Reference Countryside Commission
Rights No information recorded; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.</p>
OpenAccess true
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Greater Manchester; England