Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
Ethnicity Coding for the Millennium Cohort Study, First Survey, 2001-2003 was created as part of an ESRC funded project on ethnic differences in health and development during infancy and early childhood among ethnic groups in the UK. The overall objective of the project was to explore how far ethnic differences in markers of infant and early childhood health and development could be explained by socioeconomic disadvantage. The study uses ethnicity data from the parent data file of the Millennium Cohort Study: First Survey, 2001-2003 (MCS1) (available from the UKDA under SN 4683). Users are advised to consult this study for full details of the MCS1 methodology, sampling, and a complete set of documentation. The pre-existing ethnicity MCS1 variables have been cleaned and recoded. Particular effort has been made to reclassify cohort members of ‘other’ and ‘mixed’ groups according to data about their parents’ ethnicity. Further information about the project is available from the ESRC Award page.
Main Topics:
The study includes 7 and 14 category ethnicity variables for cohort members and their parents. The MCSID (MCS Research Serial Number) is also included for matching to the main MCS1 data.
See the main MCS1 for details of sampling.
Transcription of existing materials
See the main MCS1 for details of data collection.