Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Data are available on the purchase of the carpet (e.g. information and advice received, the amount of 'shopping around' done, whether respondent paid by cash, account or credit terms, conditions of guarantee etc.). Information is also given on the laying of the carpet, description of carpet (e.g. price, width, fibre, colour etc.), and the type of wear the carpet is receiving. Background Variables Sex, age cohort and working status (e.g. part-time) of respondent; occupation (including job description, industry, qualifications obtained) of respondent or head of household, social grade, household composition (sex, ages, number etc.), length of residence at present address, age of house and type of tenure.
An area sample/quota method was used to determine the recent carpet buyers in 100 constituencies. Subsequent interviewing of these buyers was carried out in the 55 constituencies with the most buyers. Comparison in terms of social grade with the remaining 45 constituencies suggested that there was no bias
Face-to-face interview