Cognitive-motor interference during goal-directed upper-limb movements


Data was collected within the NEURAS project (protocol registered as NL48497.058.14), aimed to separately assess the functioning of systems involved in motor control (i.e., motor, sensory, cognitive) and their functional integration in various contexts (i.e., using different tasks and systematic manipulations of the mechanical/visual environment) in order to understand how these factors contribute to activity limitations in two highly prevalent neurological disorders (Parkinson’s disease and stroke). Within this project, among others, the possibilities of ‘markerless’ movement tracking (MT) devices (based on KinectTM) were explored to relate unobtrusively assessed characteristics of motor performance to contributing motor, (sensory,) and cognitive factors.In this study, we evaluated cognitive-motor interference during an upper-limb motor task. We used the cognitive auditory Stroop task (Cohen and Martin, 1975). The motor task involved goal-directed upper-limb movements to control a virtual mouse, presented on a LED TV, to collect virtual pieces of cheese (targets) as fast as possible while avoiding a virtual cat (obstacle). Single-task performances as well as dual-task effects (DTEs) in both the cognitive and motor domain were evaluated. Patterns of CMI were explored to evaluate overall attentional capacity and attention allocation.

The depositor provided the data files 'Bank et al. 2018 cognitive motor interference MAIN' and 'Bank et al. 2018 cognitive motor interference TEST-RETEST' in SAV format. DANS added the POR and DTA formats of these files. The depositor provided the documentation file 'Code book' in DOCX format. DANS added the PDF/A format of this file.On 2018-09-05, the files 'Bank et al. 2018 cognitive motor interference MAIN' were replaced by 'Bank et al. 2018 cognitive motor interference MAIN_corrected'.

Metadata Access
Creator C.G.M. Meskers; P.J.M. Bank; J. Marinus; J.H. de Groot; J.J. van Hilten
Publisher DANS Data Station Life Sciences
Contributor P.J.M. Bank; P.H. Goossens (Rijnlands Rehabilitation Center; Leiden University Medical Center); I.F. Groeneveld (Rijnlands Rehabilitation Center; Sophia Rehabilitation); R.M. van Tol (VU Amsterdam; Leiden University Medical Center); P.W. Ouwehand (Leiden University Medical Center)
Publication Year 2018
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact P.J.M. Bank (LUMC)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/x-stata-13; application/x-spss-por; application/x-spss-sav; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document; application/pdf; application/zip
Size 51353; 61334; 52891; 27359; 28124; 25442; 29089; 179000; 29610
Version 2.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine