This proposal concerns SrCu2(BO3)2, a realization of the Shastry-Sutherland model, which is of particular interest in frustrated quantum magnetism. In this case, we are interested in the multi-triplon continuum of excitations above the localized single triplet mode (~3 meV), where a complete mapping is needed to determine dispersion and structure factor. Multi-triplon excitations are of particular interest due to the possibility of correlated hopping allowing dispersive excitations. Following a study of the lower part of the continuum on LET, we wish to investigate the higher energy transfer part for which Merlin is well suited. The aim is to obtain high quality maps of the multi-triplon continuum and to identify the upperbound of the magnetic scattering at base temperature (1.5 K). We ask 7 days of beamtime to complete the mapping of the multi-triplon continuum.