The survey was conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation in cooperation with the Razumkov Center sociological service on 14-19 August 2020.<br><br>The dataset includes questions about Ukrainians' general assessment of the developments in Ukraine over the years of independence; whether Ukrainians would support the independence of Ukraine if the referendum was held now; whether Ukrainians want to live their future life in Ukraine; Ukrainians' interpretation of some of the current political events (e.g. banning some Russian artists and films; attitudes towards the Revolution of Dignity; Russia's role in the war in Donbas etc).<br><br>The survey was conducted in all regions of Ukraine, except Crimea and the occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Regions. A total of 2022 respondents aged 18 and older were interviewed face-to-face at their place of residence, using a sample representative of the adult population. The theoretical sampling error does not exceed 2.3%.<br><br>This data collection contains the original survey data. The SPSS file (.sav) is the original file. It has been exported into an Excel file. The content of the respective xlsx-file is identical with the original sav-file. The sav-file contains the questions and answer options of the original questionnaire in Ukrainian. This data collection also contains the original Ukrainian questionnaire and an English translation of the original questionnaire as separate pdf-files. Additionally, this data collection contains a file with selected results in Ukrainian which were originally published on the DIF website (