This paper first provides an overview of the cartographic work performed so far on Neuschwabenland (New Schwabenland) and the German and foreign names assigned there (see annexes 1 and 2). This is followed by comments on the revision of the air photography routes of the German Antarctic Expedition of 1938/39 (see annexes 3-7) which had become possible through the discovery of more than 600 oblique airphotos made by this expedition. (100 of which cover western and central Neuschwabenland. They are published for the first time as an addendum to this paper.)With the oblique airphotos on hand, and the reconstruction of the flight paths, the conditions were given for a better identification of the 96 features bearing German names and thus for a revision of the stock of German names in Neuschwabenland. The results of these efforts will be discussed in the last main section of this paper, and for 87 identified features the presently valid coordinates are given as determined in current maps. The orthography of these names follows the current rules for the spelling ofgeographic names. Complementary data are given on altitude, variant names, reason for the name given, as well as the date of discovery resp. naming in correspondence to the structure of the "Digital Name Data Base Antarctica" of the Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie (see extract from the name file in the appendix). Moreover, most features resp. areas bearing German names are illustrated by means of oblique airphotos from January 1939 in the photo addendum (pictures 1-100) and their location and extent are shown in several LANDSAT satellite images of Neuschwabenland (see annexes 8-17).
For maps and fotos of 24/Teil II with improved quality see the link at "Other version:".
Supplement to: Brunk, Karsten (1986): Kartographische Arbeiten und deutsche Namengebung in Neuschwabenland, Antarktis. Mitteilungen des Institus für Angewandt Geodäsie, Verlag des Instituts für Angewandt Geodäsie, Frankfurt am Main, 24, Teil I+II, 1-264/31