The fungal communities associating with the roots of dune grasses

This project used next generation sequencing to characterize the fungal communities associating with the roots of coastal dune grass Ammophila arenaria at seven sites in the United Kingdom, four sites in Australia and four sites in New Zealand. The communities were compared within and among these three regions. The communities associating with the roots of dune grass Spinifex sericeus at one site each in New Zealand and Australia were also characterized, as were the communities associating with the roots of dune grass Leymus arenarius at one site in the United Kingdom. Samples from these grasses were collected where they grew alongside Ammophila arenaria. This allowed the impact of host species identity on fungal community composition in the dune environment to be examined.

Metadata Access
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; ELIXIR-ENA
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)
Discipline Marine Science
Spatial Coverage (-4.922W, -46.450S, 175.136E, 53.550N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 2014-05-31T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2015-02-15T00:00:00Z