Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Workplace Employee Relations Survey (WERS) series began in 1980. It was previously known as the Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, or WIRS - the name was changed in 1998 to better reflect the present content of the survey. The primary aim of the survey series is to provide statistically reliable, nationally representative data on the current state of workplace relations and employment practices in Britain. The WERS 98 Panel Survey dataset contains data from interviews conducted with management respondents at the same establishment in both 1990 and 1998. The 1990 interview data was collected as part of the 1990 WIRS (held at the Archive under SN:2858). A random selection of establishments that took part in 1990 were re-interviewed in 1998, using a questionnaire designed to update the picture of employment relations in each establishment and investigate changes over the period. The main WERS 98 cross-section survey is held under SN 3955. Two earlier panel surveys in the WIRS series, covering 1980-1984 and 1984-1990, are held under SNs 2204 and 2938. Further information on the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey data is also available from the WERS98 Data Dissemination Service web site. The WERS Dissemination Service was established in October 1999 at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. The Service was funded for a two year period for the ESRC, and closed in January 2002. All major activity at the WERS Dissemination Service has now ceased, but the web site will continue to remain live for the benefit of WERS98 users and those interested in WERS98. WERS98 users may also be interested in WERS2004: see under SN 5294 and also the WERS2004 Information and Advice Service (WIAS) web site.
Main Topics:
In both 1990 and 1998, face-to-face interviews were conducted with the most senior manager at the workplace with responsibility for employment relations. Respondents were asked mainly factual questions that covered a wide range of topics relating to the employment relationship, such as: consultation and communication arrangements, employee representation, pay determination and payment systems, management organisation, workforce composition, and workplace performance. In 1998, respondents were also asked to explain the circumstances that lay behind notable changes which had occurred since 1990. In addition, each establishment from the 1990 WIRS (held under SN:2858) that did not take part in the 1998 Panel Survey was traced in order to establish whether they had survived the intervening eight-year period. Short telephone interviews were conducted with the first informed respondent to be identified at the establishment. These interviews ascertained whether the establishment was still in operation or not. If it was, information was sought on the number of employees, and whether the establishment had changed ownership, amalgamated/split from another, or changed location since 1990. The information on the survival status of each productive case from the 1990 survey is held in a separate file to that which contains the panel survey interview data (file pq_98out). Extra files were added to the documentation for the second edition of 20 December 1999, and further files added to both data and documentation for the third edition of April 2000. Please see read and note files and other documentation for further information on all files.
No sampling (total universe)
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
Survival status in 1998 was obtained for all establishments that participated in WIRS 1990. The pan
Face-to-face interview
Panel Survey data collected by face-to-face interviews in both years - paper questionnaire in 1990