A new generalized schematic map of distribution of recent sediments within Eurasian Arctic shelves is considered. The sediments have accumulated as a result of interaction of various factors and processes specific to high latitudes. They include input of terrigenous material by modern glaciers, ice transport, thermal abrasion, sedimentation controlled by many years of ice cover, and others. Characteristic regularity is marked over Arctic shelves: in seas with heavier ice cover, the most fine-grained deposits are distributed, they contain minimum amount of coarse-grained ice rafted debris; in seas with lighter ice cover mosaic distribution of various types of sediments is observed. Composition of surface sediments from the Arctic shelves corresponds to a relatively cool stage of the modern interglacial period. In the 21-st century a new warming is expected.
Supplement to: Pavlidis, Yury A; Shcherbakov, Fyodor A (2000): Recent bottom sediments of the Eurasian Arctic Seas. Translated from Okeanologiya, 2000, 40(1), 137-147, Oceanology, 40(1), 129-138