Ré-analyse des données biogéochimiques en Mer Méditerranée (modèle 3DVAR-OGSTM-BFM)

The Mediterranean Sea biogeochemical reanalysis at 1/24° of horizontal resolution (ca. 4 km) covers the period from Jan 1999 to 1 month to the present and is produced by means of the MedBFM3 model system. MedBFM3, which is run by OGS (IT), includes the transport model OGSTM v4.0 coupled with the biogeochemical flux model BFM v5 and the variational data assimilation module 3DVAR-BIO v2.1 for surface chlorophyll. MedBFM3 is forced by the physical reanalysis (MEDSEA_MULTIYEAR_PHY_006_004 product run by CMCC) that provides daily forcing fields (i.e., currents, temperature, salinity, diffusivities, wind and solar radiation). The ESA-CCI database of surface chlorophyll concentration (CMEMS-OCTAC REP product) is assimilated with a weekly frequency.

Cossarini, G., Feudale, L., Teruzzi, A., Bolzon, G., Coidessa, G., Solidoro C., Amadio, C., Lazzari, P., Brosich, A., Di Biagio, V., and Salon, S., 2021. High-resolution reanalysis of the Mediterranean Sea biogeochemistry (1999-2019). Frontiers in Marine Science. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:741486.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.741486

''Product Citation'': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products. http://marine.copernicus.eu/faq/cite-cmems-products-cmems-credit/?idpage=169

''DOI (Product)'': https://doi.org/10.25423/cmcc/medsea_multiyear_bgc_006_008_medbfm3

''DOI (Interim dataset)'':


The Mediterranean Sea biogeochemical reanalysis at 1/24° of horizontal resolution (ca. 4 km) covers the period from Jan 1999 to 1 month to the present and is produced by means of the MedBFM3 model system. MedBFM3, which is run by OGS (IT), includes the transport model OGSTM v4.0 coupled with the biogeochemical flux model BFM v5 and the variational data assimilation module 3DVAR-BIO v2.1 for surface chlorophyll. MedBFM3 is forced by the physical reanalysis (MEDSEA_MULTIYEAR_PHY_006_004 product run by CMCC) that provides daily forcing fields (i.e., currents, temperature, salinity, diffusivities, wind and solar radiation). The ESA-CCI database of surface chlorophyll concentration (CMEMS-OCTAC REP product) is assimilated with a weekly frequency.

Cossarini, G., Feudale, L., Teruzzi, A., Bolzon, G., Coidessa, G., Solidoro C., Amadio, C., Lazzari, P., Brosich, A., Di Biagio, V., and Salon, S., 2021. High-resolution reanalysis of the Mediterranean Sea biogeochemistry (1999-2019). Frontiers in Marine Science. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:741486.doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.741486

''Product Citation'': Please refer to our Technical FAQ for citing products. http://marine.copernicus.eu/faq/cite-cmems-products-cmems-credit/?idpage=169

''DOI (Product)'': https://doi.org/10.25423/cmcc/medsea_multiyear_bgc_006_008_medbfm3

''DOI (Interim dataset)'':


Source https://sextant.ifremer.fr/eng/Data/Catalogue#/metadata/5e0f5b3b-d6c6-4de8-b69e-963bd174c5bb
Related Identifier https://sextant.ifremer.fr/
Related Identifier https://data.marine.copernicus.eu/product/MEDSEA_MULTIYEAR_BGC_006_008/description?view=-&product_id=-&option=-
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.25423/cmcc/medsea_multiyear_bgc_006_008_medbfm3
Metadata Access https://sextant.ifremer.fr/geonetwork/GEOCATALOGUE/fre/csw?service=CSW&version=2.0.2&request=GetRecordById&Id=5e0f5b3b-d6c6-4de8-b69e-963bd174c5bb&outputSchema=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd
Creator Rita Lecci; Stefano Salon; Giovanni Coppini; Giorgio Bolzon; Gianpiero Cossarini
Publisher IFREMER
Contributor E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information
Publication Year 2014
Rights No limitations on public access
OpenAccess true
Discipline Oceanography/Marine Science
Spatial Coverage (-5.540W, 30.180S, 36.300E, 45.980N)