Historical Statistics on the Funding and Development of the UK University System, 1920-2002


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

This study is comprised by the data collected for a wider project exploring the historical relationship between higher education and the UK economy. The project sought to provide a long-term explanation of the relationships between funding, widening access and socio-economic aspects of higher education. Three main areas were considered: -The provision of an in-depth historical account and analysis of the numbers and extent of students and staff for the purposes of evaluating the main characteristics of UK higher education development back the 1920s. -The provision of an in-depth historical account and evaluation of levels and structures of income and expenditure in higher education -The interpretation of these data with reference to major socio-economic indicators.

Main Topics:

This study is a collation and analysis of statistics on UK higher education which refers to pre-1992 universities and includes all institutions delivering degrees afterwards. The dataset, which gathers historical series on funding and development of universities from the early 1920s, is the result of research into primary and secondary governmental and institutional sources. Please note: this study does not include information on named individuals and would therefore not be useful for personal family history research.

No sampling (total universe)

Compilation or synthesis of existing material

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-4971-1
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=4f69aec6a8e57b91d473f815081c2371bada8b06fba284278d4aa6797b9504a6
Creator Carpentier, V., University of London, Institute of Education
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2004
Funding Reference Economic and Social Research Council
Rights <a href="https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/information-management/re-using-public-sector-information/uk-government-licensing-framework/crown-copyright/" target="_blank">© Crown copyright</a> held jointly with Vincent Carpentier and the University of London.; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="https://ukdataservice.ac.uk/app/uploads/cd137-enduserlicence.pdf" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p>
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline History; Humanities
Spatial Coverage Great Britain; United Kingdom