Flexible Dialogue Control for Intuitive Spatial Communication: Doll Dialogue Data, 2007-2007


This data collection addresses the impact of dialogue strategies and functional features of spatial arrangements on communicative success. To examine the sharing of cognition between two minds in order to achieve a joint goal, we collected a corpus of 24 extended German-language dialogues in a referential communication task that involved furnishing a dolls’ house. Results show how successful communication, as evidenced by correct placement of furniture items, is affected by: (a) functionality of the furniture arrangement; (b) previous task experience; and (c) dialogue features such as description length and orientation information. This downloadable dialogue corpus allows these issues to be addressed, designed with the following core features that together set it apart from previous data: a. Naturalistic action related dialogue. Two ‘naïve’ speakers (no confederate) are confronted with a task involving action, to be solved based on verbal interaction. b. Asymmetric knowledge. Each dialogue involves a ‘director’ and a ‘matcher’. The ‘director’ knows about the specific task goals (here: the target configuration), and informs the ‘matcher’ accordingly. c. Everyday spatial concepts in a multi-object arrangement context. The task involves placing dolls’ house furniture in a target arrangement, similar to a range of common tasks in everyday life through evoking relevant action scripts and schemata that guide expectations about object location. d. Experimental variation. Furniture arrangements differ with respect to the functional relationship between objects and therefore in their congruence with context frames, and hence common ground (prior to communication). e. Operationalized success. Correct object placement informs about communicative success. f. Task experience. After swapping roles, dialogue partners can build on previous task experience. This resource includes transcripts (total: 126,846 words) and pictures showing the furnished dolls’ houses, allowing to evaluate task success.The project's aim was to develop natural and effective dialogue/interaction between agents (dialogue systems, artificial agents and human users) while considering all levels of linguistic, contextual and conceptual description in spatial settings.

Participants were assigned the roles of director and matcher. The director described the arrangement of a pre-furnished dolls’ house while the matcher furnished an empty dolls’ house. After completing the task they switched roles. There were two different kinds of arrangements: one ‘functional’ where the furniture was arranged conventionally as in a living room, bedroom etc., and one ‘non-functional’ where the same set of furniture was arranged randomly. Participants started with the functional or the non-functional arrangement and completed the other one after switching roles.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-856638
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=1bc6f613e75f96cd72ced09cb9878d58c29b1310d7e865b9c68c418263c6f48f
Creator Tenbrink, T, Bangor University; Coventry, K, University of East Anglia; Andonova, E, New Bulgarian University
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference DFG German Science Foundation; HWK Hanse-Institute for Advanced Studies, Germany
Rights Thora Tenbrink, Bangor University. Kenny Coventry, University of East Anglia. Elena Andonova, New Bulgarian University; The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Text
Discipline Humanities; Linguistics; Psychology; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Bremen (Germany); Germany (October 1990-)