3D-source files, pdf and video for the Diploma Thesis "pet house - a demountable tiny house made from timber and PET-bottles"


3D-source files, pdf and video for the Diploma Thesis "pet house - a demountable tiny house made from timber and PET-bottles"

German Title of the thesis: "pet house - ein zerlegbares Tiny House aus Holz und Wasserflaschen"

File overview:Video: pet_house_film.mp4Video Subtitles: pet_house_film.mp4.srt3D Source File: Felix_Neudeck_pet_house_open_source.pln3D Alternative: Felix_Neudeck_pet_house_open_source.dxfThesis PDF: Felix_Neudeck_Diplomarbeit_pet_house_digital.pdfThesis PDF/A: Felix_Neudeck_Diplomarbeit_pet_house_digital_pdfa.pdf


This dataset includes the 3D files for the tiny house design "pet house", as descibed in the thesis. The file was originally created in Archicad 26, educational version. For optimal usability it is recommended to open the original .pln file in Archicad 26 or a later version. Only in Archicad proper navigation via layers and layer combinations can be guaranteed. Readability in the .dxf file format and with other applications might be inferior. Only use the .dxf file supplied if you don't have access to Archicad.

Feel free to use the file as inspiration for your own works. The design is highly experimental, so the author denies any responsibility regarding the actual functionality of the design. It is highly recommended to consult the video and the thesis for a proper understanding of the design.


The Video tells the story of the whole project, including construction of the prototype. It is recommended to watch the Video on Youtube. The upload of the Video to this repository is only for archival purposes. The link to the Video on Youtube is as follows: https://youtu.be/XJD09ugNCuM


The thesis with full resolution images and without any watermarks is available as documents as PDF and PDF/A files. In it you can also find contact information of the author.

License & Contact Info:

For any desired commercial use of the files or other questions please contact the author via the information provided in the pdf.

DOI https://doi.org/10.48436/rjqr7-0b076
Related Identifier IsSupplementTo https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2024.99445
Related Identifier IsVersionOf https://doi.org/10.48436/ym44p-a2958
Metadata Access https://researchdata.tuwien.ac.at/oai2d?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:researchdata.tuwien.ac.at:rjqr7-0b076
Creator Neudeck, Felix Alexander
Publisher TU Wien
Publication Year 2025
Rights Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode
OpenAccess true
Contact tudata(at)tuwien.ac.at
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1.0.0
Discipline Natural Sciences; Physics