The data present the intermediate to final results when we introduce a two-step fully Bayesian approach with coupled uncertainty propagation for estimating crustal isotropic and radial anisotropy models using Rayleigh and Love dispersion data along with receiver functions in Sri Lanka.
In the first step, 2D surface wave tomography is used to generate period-wise ambient noise phase velocity maps for Rayleigh and Love waves along with their associated uncertainties. Here we provide the inter-station dispersion data (folder: 2024-003_1_Ke-et-al_interstation_surface_ dispersion_curves; ASCII) for the 2D surface wave tomography process, along with the results of the tomography, including the velocity maps (folder: 2024-003_Ke-et-al_2_velocity_map; ASCII). In addition, the results (folder: 2024-003_3_Ke-et-al_2Dmcmc_inversion_results) are available in MAT format, along with a MATLAB script to allow users to extract the data independently.
In a second step, local surface wave dispersion and model errors are derived from the velocity maps. The surface wave dispersion receiver functions are jointly inverted to obtain the isotropic mean shear wave and radial anisotropy profiles as a function of depth at each station site. The input data (folder: 2024-003_Ke-et-al_4_inv_data; ASCII) of surface dispersion and receiver function for the inversion are presented here, as well as the final result model from the inversion (folder: 2024-003_Ke-et-al_5_model; ASCII and .dat formats).