The 2024 European Election Study (EES) Voter Study is a post-election study conducted in all 27 European Union member states after the elections to the European Parliament were held between June 6 and 9, 2024. As in the previous EES 2019 round, data was predominantly collected via online interviews sampled from access panel databases. In each member state, a minimum of 1,000 interviews were conducted (with the exception of Cyprus, Luxembourg and Malta, where 500 interviews were envisaged). As in previous EES rounds, the questionnaire includes core traditional items included in previous EES voter studies (1989 - 2019), thus allowing for over-time as well as cross-national analysis. The study covers items on electoral behavior, such as questions on turnout and vote choice at the European and previous national elections, party preferences, propensity to vote questions, government approval, general political attitudes, interest in politics, demographics such as gender, age, education, religion etc. Innovations in the EES 2024 include questions about disinformation in the media regarding the EP election, military assistance to Ukraine, and democratic governance. The question on attitudes on the environment was replaced with a question on attitudes on climate change. To capture the debates on feminism, a well-tested question on gender roles was included. As in the case of the EES Study 2014 and 2019 Voter Studies, a number of the political attitude questions have the same wording as, and can hence be linked with, the Chapel Hill Expert Survey. An additional innovation is the offer of NUTS III-level regional information, which, after anonymization checks, will be offered at a later stage.
Non-probability: QuotaNonprobability.Quota
Nicht-Wahrscheinlichkeitsauswahl: QuotenstichprobeNonprobability.Quota
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.CAWI
Selbstausgefüllter Fragebogen: Webbasiert (CAWI)SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.CAWI