(Table Raw) Point-count data and petrological parameters of sands/sandstones from DSDP Site 66-486


Parameters and counted parameters used in the paper:Qpt = Polycrystalline quartz with tectonite fabricQpw = Polycrystalline quartz without tectonite fabricQm = Monocrystalline quartzP = Plagioclase feldsparK = Potassium feldsparLvo = Other volcanic lithicLvd = Devitrified vitric volcanic lithicLvv = Vitric volcanic lithicLvf = Volcanic lithic with felsitic textureLvmi = Volcanic lithic with microlitic textureLvl = Volcanic lithic with lathwork textureLvp = Pyroclastic volcanic lithicLmv = Metavolcanic lithicLmm = Polycrystalline mica lithicLmt = Quartz-mica tectonite lithicLma = Quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate lithicLmp = Phyllite lithicLsa = Argillite-shale lithicLsc = Sedimentary carbonate lithicLsch = sedimentary chert or cherty argillite lithicLsi = Siltstone sedimentary lithicM = Phyllosilicate mineralsD = Dense mineralsCarb = Carbonate mineralsBio = Bioclastic debris (siliceous and/or carbonate)Misc = Miscellaneous and unidentifiedQ = Total quartzose grainsL = Unstable lithic grainsLm = Metamorphic lithic grainsLv = Volcanic-hypabyssal (and volcaniclastic) lithic grainsLs = Sedimentary lithic grainsLvm = Volcanic-hypabyssal and metavolcanic lithic grainsLsm = Sedimentary and metasedimentary lithic grainsLst = Sedimentary and polycrystalline quartz grainsF = Total feldspar grainsQp = Polycrystalline quartz grainsQ = Qm + Qpw + QptQp = Qpw + QptL = Lm + Lv + LsLv = Lvo + Lvv + Lvf + Lvmi + Lvl + LvpLm = Lmv + Lmm + Lmt + LmaLsm = Ls + Lmm + Lmt + LmaLvc = Lvf + Lvmi + LvlLv = Lvo + Lvv + Lvf + Lvmi + Lvl + LvpF = P + KLs = Lsa + LscLvm = Lv + LmvLst = Ls + QpQFL%Q = 100Q/(Q + F + L)QFL%F = 100F/(Q + F + L)QFL%L = 100L/(Q + F + L)QmKP%Qm = 100Qm/(Qm + P + K)QmKP%P = 100P/(Qm + P + K)QmKP%K = 100K/(Qm + P + K)LvfLvmiLvl%Lvf = 100Lvf/LvcLvfLvmiLvl%Lvmi = 100Lmi/LvcLmLvLs%Lm = 100Lm/LLmLvLs%Lv = 100Lv/LLmLvLs%Ls = 100Ls/LQpLvmLsm%Qp = 100Qp/(L + Qp)QpLvmLsm%Lvm = 100Lvm/(L + Qp)QpLvmLsm%Lsm = 100Lsm/(L + Qp)LvfLvmiLvl%Lvl = 100Lvl/Lvc

DOI https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.720167
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.720963
Related Identifier https://doi.org/10.1130/0016-7606(1992)104<1637:CTIARD>2.3.CO
Metadata Access https://ws.pangaea.de/oai/provider?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=datacite4&identifier=oai:pangaea.de:doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.720167
Creator Marsaglia, Kathleen M; Ingersoll, Raymond V
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1992
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 189 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-99.135 LON, 15.923 LAT); North Pacific/TRENCH