Stealth Nanodiscs: Development of contrast optimized carrier systems for membrane proteins


In the last few years it has been demonstrated that membrane proteins can be successfully reconstituted into small membrane-like devices termed Nanodiscs. Consisting of a 10-14 nm sized phospholipid bilayer stabilized by an amphipatic protein belt, MSP, the Nanodisc stabilizes the membrane protein by providing a native-like environment. Considerable insight into the structural organization of the Nanodisc has been obtained by our group in previous experiments at ILL and ESRF through a combined SANS/SAXS approach. These data have enabled us to start optimizing the Nanodisc-carrier to be used as a platform for structural studies of membrane proteins in solution. The latest development of the system is the construction of a selectively deuterated and contrast minimized Nanodisc carrier, done in close collaboration with the D-LAB, Grenoble. This stealth nanodisc-carrier will then, relatively, enhance the neutron signal from the incorporated membrane protein, which is the system in focus. The aim of this proposed experiment is to establish the proof-of-concept of this stealth Nanodiscs approach to investigate membrane proteins.

Metadata Access
Creator Martel, Anne; Mertens, Haydyn; Arleth, Lise; Moller, Magda; Pedersen, Martin Cramer; Moulin, Martine; Haertlein, Michael; Skar-Gislinge, Nicholas; Huda, Pie; Maric, Selma; Nielsen, Soeren Skou; Midtgaard, Soren; Forsyth, Victor Trevor; Fodera, Vito
Publisher Institut Laue-Langevin
Publication Year 2014
Rights OpenAccess; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Size 430 MB
Version 1
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields