Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The Workplace Employee Relations Survey, 1998 (WERS98) is the fourth in a series of surveys which began in 1980 (previously known as the Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, or WIRS - the name was changed in 1998 to better reflect the content of the present survey). Its primary aim is to provide statistically reliable, nationally representative data on the current state of workplace relations and employment practices in Britain. The WERS98 Data Dissemination Service was established in October 1999 at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR). The Service was funded for a two year period by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), and closed in January 2002. All major activity has now ceased, but the web site will continue to remain live for the benefit of WERS98 users and those interested in WERS98. Users may also be interested in WERS2004: the WERS 2004 study is held at the UKDA under SN 5294, and a similar analysis and dissemination service, the WERS2004 Information and Advice Service (WIAS) has also been established. For the seventh edition (October 2007), a file containing updated Travel-to-Work Area (TTWA) variables was deposited, with accompanying documentation, to replace the previous file 'local98'. See documentation for further details.
Main Topics:
The WERS 98 cross-section survey contains data from interviews held with managers and worker representatives, as well as information from a self-completion questionnaire which employees in the selected workplace were invited to complete. The sample covered British workplaces with at least 10 employees. Managers participating in the survey were usually the most senior manager at the workplace with responsibility for employment relations. They were asked mainly factual questions covering a wide range of issues that deal with the employment relationship. Some examples include: recruitment and training; consultation and communication; worker representation; payment systems; equal opportunities; health and safety; flexibility and performance; change; and attitudes to work. The cross-sectional management questionnaire for this survey also comprises Wave 1 of the Workplace Employee Relations Survey, 2004: Panel Survey, 1998-2004 (WERS 2004). Wave 2 of the 1998-2004 panel is held with the rest of the WERS 2004 data under SN 5294. Worker representatives were interviewed where there was a lay representative of a recognised union at the workplace or, if there was no recognised union, with the senior employee representative of any joint consultative committee operating at the workplace. An interview was only conducted with the permission of management. Representatives were asked about the duties they performed when dealing with management and employees. Employees were randomly selected by the interviewer from a list of all employees provided by the management respondent. A maximum of 25 employees were selected, however, in workplaces with fewer than 25 employees, all were asked to complete the questionnaire. Questions asked were predominantly concerned with the employees attitudes and impressions of work covering issues such as satisfaction and commitment. Please see READ file (link below) and other documentation for further information on all files.
Simple random sample
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
A simple random sample was used for the Survey of Employees Questionnaire (SEQ). A one-stage strati
Face-to-face interview
The Management (MQ) and Worker Questionnaires (WQ) were conducted via Computer-Assisted Personal In