Home-to-school pedestrian mobility GPS data from a citizen science experiment in the Barcelona area


This data-set contains high resolution GPS records from a single day home-to-school pedestrian mobility of 10 schools in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Spain). The experiment for data acquisition took place in November 2018. The data-set provides pedestrian mobility from an age-homogeneous group of people and is particularly valuable to bring insights in an urban microscopic level and can characterize micro-mobility patterns and pedestrians’ micro-motives. The study shares processed records with specific filtering, cleaning, and interpolation procedures (83 individual journeys and 41,053 GPS records) that can facilitate and accelerate data usage. Citizen science practices were employed during the whole research process (co-design, crowd-sourced protocols for the experiment, collective data interpretation and policy recommendations).

DOI https://doi.org/10.34810/data523
Metadata Access https://dataverse.csuc.cat/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34810/data523
Creator Larroya Paixà, Ferran ORCID logo; Perelló, Josep, 1974- ORCID logo
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Contributor Larroya Paixà, Ferran; Perelló, Josep, 1974-
Publication Year 2022
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0
OpenAccess true
Contact Larroya Paixà, Ferran (Universitat de Barcelona); Perelló, Josep, 1974- (Universitat de Barcelona)
Resource Type Experimental data; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; text/plain; application/x-ipynb+json; text/markdown
Size 254907; 114888; 71019; 35217; 74428; 70162; 57455; 53417; 67803; 62927; 96513; 89585; 46297; 43979; 66712; 39747; 91348; 84252; 14664; 14223; 65026; 62170; 69018; 63002; 42962; 39539; 85670; 77331; 64963; 59596; 92411; 49417; 70023; 67419; 36670; 36545; 27784; 27627; 19576; 19353; 26344; 26311; 116881; 116219; 64005; 62852; 38516; 20318; 73845; 40977; 23856; 22612; 82287; 43680; 136035; 72254; 42034; 40465; 24520; 10274; 78145; 76446; 61032; 31930; 61822; 57179; 27699; 23960; 50065; 44796; 34907; 31783; 84723; 82969; 51173; 45952; 109535; 50035; 68082; 59744; 87314; 37570; 81171; 35451; 33007; 29629; 60248; 59074; 84549; 43406; 21136; 20960; 29468; 29426; 36800; 36505; 49018; 22585; 60871; 60658; 99842; 83894; 60668; 59727; 85235; 64961; 84706; 80947; 167671; 74729; 16380; 9336; 39845; 35502; 50157; 27261; 30794; 16411; 168149; 139081; 38153; 37111; 66318; 64563; 56337; 30227; 45527; 42647; 40564; 34256; 37322; 31541; 20412; 20110; 58981; 30936; 204085; 196556; 115499; 110384; 83995; 81581; 55025; 53282; 23920; 23337; 7569; 7600; 35084; 35032; 68594; 58210; 82930; 80587; 76365; 73015; 31852; 31806; 62520; 61804; 64525; 33475; 68107; 67266; 120109; 112106; 16144; 16143; 15698; 15653; 16019; 16025; 15990; 16007; 367131; 15574; 15600; 5973991; 28739; 779549; 168377; 279929; 8494; 1506123
Version 2.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Natural Sciences; Physics; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences
Spatial Coverage Barcelona