Giannini S., Biagioni S., Goggi S., Pardelli G. Grey Literature citations in the age of Digital Repositories and Open Access. In: GL17 - Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature : A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey literature (Amsterdam, NL, 1-2 December 2015). Proceedings, pp. 137 - 145. D. Farace and J. Frantzen (eds.). (GL Conference Series, ISSN 1386-2316., vol. 17). TextRelease, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016.ABSTRACT - The work measures grey citations in the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 and then describes the features of GL documents cited in different areas of knowledge: Computational Linguistics, Computer Science and Engineering. With the aim of surveying a wide and varied range of resources, we selected a sample data based on the bibliographical references of articles contained in four journals - all indexed by Scopus Citation Database and ISI Web of Science, with an Impact Factor (IF) over the last three years - and two proceedings of international conferences held in 2012 and 2014.
Date Submitted: 2016-04-04
In column C of the sheet ACM_TOIS and column D of the sheets Eurasia, CL, LR&E, EACL and JCD, 'G' represents Grey citations and 'P 'represents other published citations.The depositor provided the data file in XLSX format. For each sheet in this data file, DANS added a CSV or PDF/A format to ensure preservation and accessibility.