Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
To investigate counterstream migration to rural areas, specifically rural areas with static or declining populations.
Main Topics:
Variables Migrant status (having lived in a county different from the present one), age, occupation, education, family composition, migration history, social participation, rural residence preference, satisfaction with the community (Schulze, Artcs, Beegle), committment to community actions. Attitude towards citizens duty, information, exposure and knowledge of formal power structure. Measurement Scales a) Rural Urban Residential Preference Scale (Martin, W.T., <i>The rural urban fringe</i> (Eugene Oregon: The University Press, 1953) b) Community Satisfaction Scale (Schulze, R., Artcs, J. and Beegle, J. Allan, 'The measurement of community satisfaction', <i>Rural Sociology</i> 28 (September) 1963, pp.279-283.
A twenty per-cent systematic sample was drawn from the land records (tax records)
Face-to-face interview