Conjugated polymers have been developed since the past 30 years, but only recently, applications to optoelectronic devices such as thin film transistors, light emitting diodes, organic lasers and organic solar cells have become close to commercial applications. Regarding solar cells, a new class of low band gap polymers are showing promising results in power conversion efficiency. After our initial experiments and SANS measurements, we have chosen PCPDTBT as the best candidate for quasielastic experiments.The importance of temperature processing on the control of the molecular dynamics (and final structure) of the polymer and its impact on the optoelectronic performance is the driving force for the proposed experiment. Our aim is to explore the molecular motions of PCPDTBT on a broad range of temperatures, from 10K to 450K, which are tipically used in annealing cycles during processing of the active layer of organic solar cells. We expect to characterize the molecular motions (activation energy, characteristic times), and in detail: Debye-Waller, alpha and beta relaxations, and eventually, methyl group rotations (at the end of side chains).