United Central Asia Survey: Obstacles, Opportunities, Prospects, 2021


The United Central Asia Survey was a research project conducted in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in August and September 2021 by the Central Asia Barometer.<br><br>The general population surveys were carried out via telephone calls from call centres in Almaty and Tashkent. The samples in each country were composed of 800 respondents aged 18 and over.<br><br>The goals of the research were to identify obstacles, factors, and opportunities for improving cooperation and rapprochement between Central Asian countries through the prism of opinions and perceptions of citizens and experts in the region. The project was carried out in partnership with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Central Asia.<br><br>The data are available in SPSS, Stata, and Excel formats in Russian. More comprehensive information is provided in a methods report and a questionnaire in English, as well as at https://ca-barometer.org/en/publications/united-central-asia-obstacles-opportunities-prospects-summary-report.

DOI https://doi.org/10.20375/0000-0011-BD5A-4
Metadata Access https://repository.de.dariah.eu/1.0/oaipmh/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=hdl:21.11113/0000-0011-BD5A-4
Creator Central Asia Barometer
Publisher DARIAH-DE
Contributor SebastianKocar(at)dariah.eu
Publication Year 2024
Rights Attribution: Open Data Commons Attribution License (ODC-By) v1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Resource Type text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle; Dataset
Format text/vnd.dariah.dhrep.collection+turtle
Size 836 Bytes
Version 2024-04-19T10:16:11.689+02:00
Discipline Humanities