Surface oceanographic data (TSG) during METEOR cruise M135


Temp Sensor ID 1 = THERMOSALINOGRAPH1 Ts1TempPrimary Spot °CTemp Correction 1 = -0.2391Temp Uncertainty 1 = +/-0.01053Temp Sensor ID 2 = THERMOSALINOGRAPH2 Ts2TempPrimary Spot °CTemp Correction 2 = -0.23439Temp Uncertainty 2 = +/-0.011792Temp Sensor ID 3 = THERMOSALINOGRAPH1 Ts1TempSecondary Spot °CTemp Correction 3 = -0.0011196Temp Uncertainty 3 = +/-0.0083318Temp Sensor ID 4 = THERMOSALINOGRAPH2 Ts2TempSecondary Spot °CTemp Correction 4 = -0.00088495Temp Uncertainty 4 = +/-0.0078015Salt Sensor ID 1 = THERMOSALINOGRAPH1 Ts1SalinityPri Spot PSUSalt Correction 1 = 0.17316Salt Uncertainty 1 = +/-0.0027573Salt Cal Range 1 = [-1000.000000,10.000000]Salt Correction 1 = 0.13432+0.0044503timSalt Uncertainty 1 = +/-0.002033Salt Cal Range 1 = [10.000000,17.400000]Salt Correction 1 = 0.31389Salt Uncertainty 1 = +/-0.0091545Salt Cal Range 1 = [17.400000,28.000000]Salt Correction 1 = 0.086972+0.010329timSalt Uncertainty 1 = +/-0.013717Salt Cal Range 1 = [28.000000,33.900000]Salt Correction 1 = -0.43606+0.014053timSalt Uncertainty 1 = +/-0.0053962Salt Cal Range 1 = [33.900000,1000.000000]Salt Sensor ID 2 = THERMOSALINOGRAPH2 Ts2SalinityPri Spot PSUSalt Correction 2 = -0.017172Salt Uncertainty 2 = +/-0.0023663Salt Cal Range 2 = [-1000.000000,10.000000]Salt Correction 2 = -0.13318+0.011632timSalt Uncertainty 2 = +/-0.0018707Salt Cal Range 2 = [10.000000,17.400000]Salt Correction 2 = 1.1991-0.038697timSalt Uncertainty 2 = +/-0.012246Salt Cal Range 2 = [17.400000,28.000000]Salt Correction 2 = 0.7511-0.02022timSalt Uncertainty 2 = +/-0.014357Salt Cal Range 2 = [28.000000,33.900000]Salt Correction 2 = -0.19404+0.0029188*timSalt Uncertainty 2 = +/-0.0027189Salt Cal Range 2 = [33.900000,1000.000000]The above calibrations have been added to the raw data. The data has been compared with CTD data from 5 dbar.

Related Identifier IsDerivedFrom
Metadata Access
Creator Visbeck, Martin (ORCID: 0000-0002-0844-834X); Krahmann, Gerd
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor GEOMAR - Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Publication Year 2020
Funding Reference German Research Foundation Crossref Funder ID 27542298 Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 320760 data points
Discipline Biogeochemistry; Biospheric Sciences; Geosciences; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (-86.001W, -32.808S, -70.298E, -10.655N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 2017-03-02T01:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2017-04-08T11:53:00Z