Among the current issues this time the central topic was the referendum date when it will be decided on pension reform, undeclared work and openness of archives. It was examined how much participation can be expected and what could have been referendum outcomes. Respondents were also asked where they see exit from the current situation and whether they tend to early elections, insistence of current government for regular elections or to replacement at the head of the government. Through the case of Maja Makovec Brenčič it was also examined how people perceive searching of new names for management of the government. In the regular content part the survey covers Europe, where it tries to examine the extent to which the inhabitants of Slovenia feel themselves as European citizens and to which aspects of Europe give they the greatest importance. In this way can be revealed in what extent today through the Slovenes perspective the Europe is defined by euro, democracy, history, human rights, culture, Christianity, Enlightenment, flag, law, multinationality, European Commission and European Parliament.
Probability: StratifiedProbability.Stratified
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI