The dataset published here is based on the measurements of 5 sets of 100 sequential 3D images acquired at 12 seconds per scan at a reconstructed voxel size of 0.8µm (datasets: "10?burst_waterflood_y-9500", type: "raw") and an additional two static higher-quality scans before and after flooding (datasets: "10{0,8}_HQy-9500", type: "raw") . This repository contains these projection data in full. Furthermore, it contains 243 reconstructed tomograms with phase retrieval at different time steps that cover the main (visible) fluid displacement in the field-of-view (datasets: "10?_burst_waterflood_y-9500_phase", type: "derived") . Also the static scan reconstructions are present, both with absorption contrast and phase contrast reconstructions (datasets: "10{0,8}_HQy-9500{abs,phase}", type: "derived"). Finally, the collection also contains processed data from two sub-volumes of the full field-of-view (datasets: "BoiseWF_{tomo,seg}_sub{1,2}", type: "derived"). An additional spreadsheet provides information about the exact time points in the time series sampled by the tomographic scans (datasets: "BoiseWF_timeseries_metadata", type: "derived").