Here rockmagnetic results: Provenance and formation of the red palaeosol and lithified terra rossa-like infillings on the Island of Susak: A high-resolution and chronological approach


Red palaeosol (RP) covering the carbonate basement exposed at the bottom of the loess section and lithified terra rossa-like materials situated in cavities (LTR1) and karstified fissures (LTR2) in Cretaceous limestones were investigated by means of high-resolution approach, to give a systematic and deeper palaeo-pedological insight into reddish materials and the exposed red palaeosols on the island of Susak. LTR1 and LTR2 represent erosional remains of different soils that existed on the surface of thelimestone bedrock prior to the formation of the RP. Our attempt to resolve the age of LTR2 formation more precisely, using palaeomagnetic investigations, did not give unam-biguous results because the extremely viscous behaviour of the LTR2 samples hinders the acquisition of a stable remanent magnetisation. Since no reversal of the EMF was recorded in the RP, we concluded that the RP formed during the Brunhes epoch.

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Durn, Goran ORCID logo; Wacha, Lara ORCID logo; Bartolin, Mateja; Rolf, Christian ORCID logo; Frechen, Manfred; Tsukamoto, Sumiko ORCID logo; Tadej, Neven; Husnjak, Stjepan; Li, Yan; Rubinic, Vedran
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2020
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Bundled Publication of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 12 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (14.314W, 44.505S, 14.314E, 44.511N)