We have recently performed a ZF muon experiment on Ba3Dy2GaNb9O30 in EMU under the influence of electric fields and demonstrated that this material demonstrates multiferroic behaviour. This was observed via a shift in the observed internal field seen by the muons - moreover the data strongly suggests hysteretic behaviour. Indeed further evidence of a magnetoelectric coupling was observed at 300K. The properties of this class of multiferroic materials can be tuned by altering the Dy composition. As the ferroelectrically active Nb5+ (3d0) content is reduced, the material becomes an electric dipole glass (commonly referred to as a ¿relaxor¿). This dipole glass can be ordered, but is not hysteretic and coupling of disordered electric dipole moments to magnetism has never observed before. Muons make an ideal probe to investigate this promising avenue of research.