Magnetoelectric EuTiO3 undergoes a long range cubic to tetragonal phase transition at TC=235 K. However, calorimetric measurements suggested a higher transition temperature, TA=282 K. Recently our group demonstrated that tetragonal nanodomains exist also at T>TC. The proposed experiment aims to map the local and mesoscopic structure of EuTiO3 from below TC to above TA by means PDF analysis at the D4 instrument. Neutron diffraction should supply a more accurate description of Eu local/average structure in respect to X-rays since Ti and O positions are more accurately determined.The accurate description of the temperature evolution of the local structure will allow to deepen the comprehension of the phase transition mechanism for this interesting magnetoelectric material..Due to the huge absorption coefficient of Eu, this experiment is only possible at D4 instruments using lambda=0.7-0.8 Å and a double walled cylindrical sample holder. In fact, the energy dependence of the Eu absorption cross section make it unfeasible at spallation sources.