The sheet “Darß” of the Western Baltic sediment distribution map displays several features of the late- and postglacial sediments in the area between 54°00? and 54°30? northern latitude and 12°00? and 13°00? eastern longitude on a scale of 1: 100,000. The main map shows the surface deposits in this area. Special attention is given to a detailed presentation of the granulometric characteristics of the sandy sedimens which are prevailing here. For this purpose a new way of visualization of grain size data was developed. Six insets provide information on water depth, positions of the sampling sites, areal distribution of median and sorting of sands, depth of the till surface thickness of the late- and postglacial sediments on top of the uppermost till and the bathymetry.
scale 1:100 000, reference latitude 54° 30'
Supplement to: Tauber, Franz; Lemke, Wolfram (1995): Map of sediment distribution in the Western Baltic Sea (1: 100,000), Sheet “Darß”. Ocean Dynamics, 47/3, 171-178