The number of sea surface temperature reconstructions from the Brazilian margin has grown through the last years, but with the surge of new records it has been turn difficult to explain individual data variability. In order to overcome this difficult and understant the evolution of surface temperature across the entire Brazilian margin from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene, we propose a SST-stack based on Mg/Ca of surface-dwelling planktic foraminifera. The data display the temperature reduction during the LGM and the amplitude and timing of major SST increase across the last deglaciation. Interesting insights also emerge from the Holocene, with a SST decline from the late Holocene towards the present likely related to global volcanic activity.Published Mg/Ca-derived sea surface temperature for the Brazilian Margin were compiled. The age models from different studies were all transferred to Marine20 radiocarbon calibration and final probabilistic age model for each core was provided by Bacon. The Mg/Ca calibration from different studies were all transferred to the recent calibration of Gray and Evans (2019; doi:10.1029/2018PA003517). The new sea surface temperature (anomalies) and ages for each record were interpolated to a resolution of 0.4 ka and the data was grouped. Finally, a 1000-year window bootstrap smoothing with the robust LOWESS method and 2000 Monte Carlo simulations using the Acycle software to remove high-frequency variabilities.