This dataset contains a high resolution Moho map of the in the Eastern Alps focused on the SWATH-D network. The Moho map was produced by manually picking the Moho on narrow transects (CCP stacks) calculated with the receiver function method. These manual picks were then fit with a spline in 3-D. Three separate and sometimes overlapping maps are included corresponding to the European, Adriatic, and Pannonian Mohos. In addition to Moho depth, Ps travel time and crustal average Vp/Vs are also reported.
Version history:
30 November 2021: release of version 1
13 March 2023: release of version 1.1. Changes: Performed manual adjustment of 1-D splines (before fitting 2-D spline) to avoid unphysical geometries
The dataset is stored as .csv file. The columns X,Y,Z gives the Moho coordinates in the Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinate system. lat,lon,depth give the geodetic coordinates (depth is in kilometres). tPs=Time lag of the Ps phase, k=Vp/Vs ratio. interp indicates if the datapoint was interpolated at the edge of the Moho surface (so potentially has lower certainty) and is set to 1 if true. tag indicates which Moho the point belong to (Mohos do overlap) with EU=European Moho, AD= Adriatic Moho, and PA=Pannonian Moho.