This proposal aims to continue our study of the spin wave spectrum in the magnetically frustrated multiferroic, Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl (francistie). Francisite is interesting due to its unique magnetic and structural phase transitions which work to form functional properties. A buckled kagome lattice of competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic sites is stabilised below 27 K by a microscopic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. This fragile state is easily perturbed by weak external fields initiating a metamagnetic spin-flip transition. The magnetic phase is also accompanied by a ferroelectric phase onset by a structural distortion at 127 K. The combination of a frustrated multiferroic phase with metamagnetic switching capabilities is an intriguing physical question with clear application based possibilities. The question of the precise nature of the ground state may be answered through mapping the fundamental excitation spectrum. We have already observed spin waves in the (a, c) plane but predict soft modes characteristic of strong frustration in the (b, c) plane. The measurement of the (b, c) plane is therefore essential for our final classification of the ground state.