CsO2 is the most interesting of the alkali superoxides. It shows a remarkable variation in the magnetic exchange coupling J(T) of over 50%. An orbital ordering transition occurs below ~70 K in, where the lattice connectivity crosses over from 2D to 1D. Below the structural phase transition, the S = 1/2 spins of the p-orbital O2- anion form a Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquid state, and below 8K a presently unknown magnetic order condenses out of this state (implying that interchain coupling is of the order 1meV). This material represents the first clear example of the both a phononic modulation of the magnetic exchange J, and the first example of such an exotic 1D chain physics in a p-orbital magnet. We propose to measure the low temperature magnetic structure, and we will combine this measurement with inelastic measurements of the spinon/magnon excitation spectrum.