Oxidation States: intrinsically ambiguous?


This dataset contains several optimized structures, and single point calculations, of several transition metal complexes which contain different types of covalent metal-ligand bonds (classical dative, electron-sharing and inverted dative).

ORCA, 5.0.4

DOI https://doi.org/10.34894/GNIO5G
Metadata Access https://dataverse.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34894/GNIO5G
Creator Klein, J.E.M.N. (ORCID: 0000-0002-1290-597X); Leach, I.F. ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Groningen Digital Competence Centre
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC-BY-4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
OpenAccess true
Contact Groningen Digital Competence Centre (University of Groningen)
Resource Type Quantum chemical simulations; Dataset
Format image/png; text/plain; application/javascript; chemical/x-xyz; application/octet-stream
Size 96482; 94992; 94546; 92125; 63575; 62965; 146887; 128576; 128167; 139964; 2076; 1562; 1577; 1182; 1639; 1179; 1222; 1612; 1114; 4449; 6851; 5287; 2452; 3196; 2771; 7666; 7259; 6853; 2528; 1572; 1632; 6855; 6253; 1703; 6852; 3238; 1707; 5099; 1910; 2668; 7260; 165250; 165349; 92507; 110993; 107816; 95716; 176573; 173856; 172301; 173877; 106817; 107664; 141420; 110340; 120233; 111014; 99156; 83515; 114476; 139076; 107891; 19006; 49912; 2363; 47800; 22318; 27182; 17966; 49831; 53980; 49323; 49324; 45184; 42202; 667123; 373879; 9091901; 11636541; 41990501; 5446053; 5808285; 6640421; 1261925; 3381053; 23393853; 68493758; 12321701; 32537198; 76039982; 7099965; 34247141; 3226853; 12361445; 2342501; 29954853; 14754365; 1813661; 15082085; 14559461; 20686365; 18073125; 24642878; 108701; 29508206; 4358205; 29118398; 9074853; 3656861; 27333566; 2083; 8691; 11492; 12164; 8579; 6339; 6451; 12836; 4995; 2120; 2293; 3224; 2034; 3138; 5543824; 6706995; 31062276; 34333836; 26346924; 4484024; 31799302; 7087168; 44057420; 30854668; 8324559; 2926431; 4510415; 16263884; 13996492; 2176572; 4706012; 10363616; 70469308; 16868380; 13763768; 36173564; 78088444; 8019212; 3297452; 16276372; 29094948; 10557759; 22319503; 13018715; 25135342; 19894588; 4859631; 2157242; 1170238; 2216561; 3890927; 4364733; 1214029; 120958; 722532; 84; 1892; 2064; 2996; 1806; 2910; 132; 98; 128; 124; 122; 106; 121; 120; 126; 125; 137; 129; 102; 127; 131; 123; 101; 105; 100; 103162769; 46131764; 36739668; 109456219; 134424561; 134424560; 28608791; 18248961; 10156501; 3985508; 13703324; 46131731; 92190896; 218829980; 109456185; 7373554; 57415922; 86472062; 93424210; 39062581; 243153175; 22284629; 218829982; 47815505; 349596; 5721147; 28539473; 20859388; 65793428; 95624821; 17113853; 74504604; 77846124; 38959175; 11496172; 38959131; 46740092; 10639369; 3996451; 3646580; 4713760; 705845; 4523690; 1184532; 4108733; 4182928; 2388081; 5121274; 5051122; 139854; 1803017; 1361981; 3666584; 4134037; 2270454; 3564143; 7127423; 1118036; 201191; 1722454; 2842642; 433776; 3993488; 513700; 98718; 161576; 220415; 237238; 444509; 4484551; 118936; 161627; 249661; 645711; 7843158; 2549230; 273822; 141683; 2692274; 250035; 82532; 577457; 273979; 100395; 131139; 158305; 44924; 4596419; 11994287; 249960; 791506; 182290; 4459957; 249659; 3863764; 1721982; 3707015; 423687; 537647; 337; 379; 306; 378; 336; 506; 380; 555; 386105; 14065; 217366; 17194; 15278; 28237; 237824; 36542; 314257; 72437; 31045; 17447; 4874; 40067; 26851; 28408; 58496; 7896; 29641; 7122; 875524; 22149; 54509; 72267; 269125; 287038; 17215; 17279; 289256; 296466; 333819; 26512; 208517; 161640; 22384; 195978; 10322; 18031804; 7305; 10560; 36644; 37383; 36706; 40028; 9934; 41128; 59824; 36588; 37271; 57617; 56934; 37260; 40084; 2181552; 909894; 90675; 145098; 128808; 18480; 57636; 14532; 9606; 8540; 86445; 124878; 78760; 115272; 123602; 84480; 139287; 177975; 96606; 40016924; 3723; 5097; 3808; 2214; 5168; 7663; 2936; 3807; 7664; 3741; 6854; 3223; 3309; 3137; 75402; 3081; 2995; 2909; 51619684; 109456199; 121620041; 46131749; 109456198; 46851; 46111; 45801; 44578; 44828; 1576; 1548; 1684; 1206; 1381; 1291; 1190; 1192; 1185; 1194; 1553; 1403; 1401; 1290; 1555; 1549; 1292; 1286; 1293; 1287; 1556; 1558; 1552
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences