This dataset is part of the COMPROMISE project funded by the MetaProgram Adaptation of Agriculture and Forest to Climate Change (AAFCC) of the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food & Environment (INRAE).
The dataset contains agro-climatic indicators computed in three regions using (i) the SAFRAN reanalysis data and (ii) the climate coupled model IPSL-CM6A-LR developped at the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, with (and without) bias correction methods: one univariate correction (CDF-t) and two multivariate bias correction methods (R2D2 and dOTC). The agroclimatic indicators are: phenological stages (PHENO), reference evapo-transpiration (ET0), soil water balance (WB), and forest weather index (FWI).
All details regarding the models, methods, indicators and bias correction methods are presented in full detail in the technical report:
D. Allard, B. François, I. Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri and M. Vrac (2024) "Multivariate bias corrections of climate simulations seen through impact models: results of the COMPROMISE project" available at
R, 4.1.0