To collect data on political opinions and attitudes of Dutch citizens who have the right to vote. Data were collected in order to enlarge insight into characteristics of the Dutch political system changes that occur within the system, and degree of similarity, dissimilarity between the Dutch political system and others." This is the second of the series of National Election Studies. It was designed as a two wave panel study: the first wave was carried out shortly after the parliamentary elections of november 29, 1972. The second wave was conducted after the formation of the Den Uyl-cabinet on may 31, 1973. Data of both waves are combined in one SPSS-file. Local problems / local power structure / political opinion leadership / evaluation of local government / sense of local national and political efficacy / political organizational membership / activism / local national evaluation of results / confidence / trust in prominent persons, groups / attitude to freedom and equality changes in income / discrimination of groups / tolerance regarding daughter's choice of husband / preferred theoretical two party structure / coalition preference / political partisanship / party activism in election campaign / evaluation of government / policy Biesheuvel government / opinions on how M.P.'s should decide to vote / democratic attitude / opinions on some reforms of the political system / experiences in youth / opinions on welfare policy and government and political party / welfare policy / inflation / housing need / educational opportunities / pollution / aid to developing countries / government spending / income / norms regarding political power structure / opinions on government interference / liberal versus labour party in government / personal preferences / democratic attitude / political opinions on new government, its formation etc. / attitude to pillarization - compartmentalization / perception of social conflict groups and categories / misanthropy / opinion on political efficacy and on taking political actions / local and national level actually engaged in such actions / tolerance regarding activism / demonstrations, strikes etc. and political actions against this / attitude to law and order / role of UNO international conflict groups / opinions on UN and other foreign policy issues / internationalism / military and economic aid to other countries if attacked or in trouble / political socialization at school. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure.The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files.