We gathered data from these notable sources such as Threat Group Cards by ThaiCERT, Malpedia by Fraunhofer FKIE, MITRE ATTCK, and the Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) and compiled publicly available information, including:
News articles and threat reports, based on categories such as victim sector (targeted companies)
Threat actor group (responsible for the attack)
Number of publicly reported attacks until June 2023
Year of threat group discovery
Infrastructure target component (ISA- 95 model level targeted by attackers)
Source country of the threat
Victim countries of the threat
Motivation behind the attack
Tools used for the attack
Tool type employed in the attack
From these sources, we compiled information on 120 threat groups targeting OT/ICS environments in industrial sectors such as manufacturing, energy, oil gas, industrial, petrochemical, and critical infrastructure.