Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The project examined recordings of structured interviews conducted with CEOs of 99 UK manufacturing companies between 1993 and 1997. Sections of the interviews were coded for CEO affect and CEO reflexivity; any attributions made by the CEO were coded for agent, target, globality, internality, controllability (by the agent, target & speaker), positivity and time (i.e. past, present or future). These data were linked with other data collected from the companies including sector, size, organisational climate and productivity. Links were found between CEO affect and organisational climate (as measured by employees), and between CEO reflexivity and innovation.
Main Topics:
Agent and target type; controllability, internality, stability, globality and proportion of attributions; timescale; company sector. Standard Measures Leeds Attributional Coding System, (LACS).
No information recorded
Face-to-face interview
Data were derived from interviews recorded with CEOs, these interviews and their transcripts are not accessible due to confidentiality and are not held at the UK Data Archive.