The instruments were hanged in the shade oriented to the south, in the wall of a room where never lit fire. The thermometer is 1,5m above the ground and 10m above the sea level, exposed to the air circulation, but shield of the sun and atmospheric waters. The bronze rain gauge is fixed to a stick in the center of a patio, it is 10 m distant to the roof few elevated that enclose the patio. It is a 2.3m above the ground. The recipient has an opening of one square decimeter and is connected to the receptacle by a narrow funnel. The cylindrical glass has divisions of two cubic centimeters, that correspond with two tenth of mm of water, with some practice it is possible distinguish the half divisions (0.01m**3), that's correspond to 0.001m.---The data of this dataset might have been revised during the review process. This might therefore be an old version. To be sure, please check the respective dataset at doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.871480