SeaDataNet - Chemical oceanography from IEO-CSIC, Spanish Oceanographic Institute (PointOfContact; Data Custodian; Data Distributor), point observations
SeaDataNet is the Pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management and delivery services. It is supported by the EU under its Research Infrastructures programme. It connects 40 National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODC's) and 50 other data centres from 35 countries, bordering the European seas and Atlantic Ocean. The centres are mostly part of major marine management and research organisations that are acquiring and managing a large collection of marine and ocean data from various disciplines. This includes major international organisations, ICES and IOC-IODE. The overall objective is provide overview and access to marine and oceanographic data and data-products from government and research institutes in Europe. SeaDataNet contributes to the implementation of the EU INSPIRE and Marine Strategy Framework Directives. It also plays a key role in the development and operation of the EU EMODNet initiative. The SeaDataNet infrastructure is fully operational and INSPIRE compliant. It includes a versatile SeaDataNet portal ( that provides users with a range of metadata, data and data product access services as well as standards, tools and guides for good marine data management. The Common Data Index (CDI) data discovery and access service provides harmonised access to the large volumes of datasets that are managed by the connected data centres. The CDI service contains already references and gives access to more than 1,5 milllion marine and oceanographic datasets as managed by 90 data centres. These numbers are increasing regularly because of further data population and more connected data centres as part of SeaDataNet II, EMODnet and other EU projects. For inclusion in the SeaDataNet INSPIRE compliant CSW service, the CDI records (at granule level) have been aggregated into CDI collections by a combination of Discipline, Data Centre, and geometric type. Each CSW XML record therefore represents a large collection of individual metadata records and associated datasets. By following the specified URL to the SeaDataNet portal users can evaluate these metadata in detail and request access by downloading of interesting datasets via the shopping cart transaction system that is integrated in the SeaDataNet portal.
- 233a Poseidon 06PO
- 237C Poseidon 06PO
- 37 2 Meteor 06M3
- ALBORAN 0862 Xauen ...
- ALBORAN 1922 Averro...
- ALBORAN 1964 09 Xau...
- ALBORAN 78 Cornide ...
- ATOS 2 Hesperides 29HE
- AZORES 1 Hesperides...
- Alboran 80 Cornide ...
- Alboran 81 Cornide ...
- Alkalinity
- Ammonium and ammoni...
- Azores
- BABA 1991 Unknown ZZ99
- BABA 1992 Unknown ZZ99
- BABA 1993 Unknown ZZ99
- BAHIAS 1988 Acartia...
- BAHIAS 1989 Acartia...
- BAHIAS 1990 Acartia...
- BAHIAS 1991 Acartia...
- BAHIAS 1992 Acartia...
- BALEAR 69 Jafuda Cr...
- Baleares I Garcia D...
- Baleares II Garcia ...
- Baleares III Garcia...
- Baleares IV Garcia ...
- Baleares V Garcia D...
- Baleares VI Garcia ...
- Baleares VII Garcia...
- Baleares VIII Garci...
- Balearic Islands Oc...
- Breogan 04 1986 Cor...
- Breogan 06 1984 Cor...
- Breogan 09 1984 Cor...
- CAMBRILS 1 Jafuda C...
- CANALES CNL 0198 Od...
- CANALES CNL 0297 Od...
- CANALES CNL 0396 Od...
- CANALES CNL 0497 Od...
- CANALES CNL 0498 Od...
- CANALES CNL 0597 Od...
- CANALES CNL 0696 Od...
- CANALES CNL 0698 Od...
- CANALES CNL 0796 Od...
- CANALES CNL 0897 RA...
- CANIGO 0198 Cornide...
- CANIGO 0299 Cornide...
- CANIGO 1097 Odon De...
- CEDO 0029 Agamenon ...
- CEDO 0042 Agamenon ...
- CEDO 0043 Agamenon ...
- CEFREM country France
- CINECA I Cornide de...
- CINECA II Cornide d...
- Cadiz Oceanographic...
- Cambrils 2 Jafuda C...
- Cambrils 3 Jafuda C...
- Cambrils 4 Jafuda C...
- Camp Antartica part...
- Camp Antartica part...
- Canarias I Cornide ...
- Canary Islands
- Canigo Leg 1 Thalas...
- Canigo Leg 2 Thalas...
- Carbal III Jafuda C...
- Chlorofluorocarbon ...
- Chlorophyll pigment...
- Climatic Variabilit...
- Concentration of su...
- DEMERSALES 1992 09 ...
- Date and time
- Direct abundance es...
- Dissolved organic c...
- Dissolved oxygen pa...
- Dissolved total or ...
- ECOMALAGA 01 1993 O...
- ECOMALAGA 0595 Odon...
- ECOMALAGA 0596 Odon...
- ECOMALAGA 0795 Odon...
- ECOMALAGA 09 1993 O...
- ECOMALAGA 1094 Odon...
- ECOMALAGA 1996 07 O...
- ECOMALAGA 1997 02 O...
- ECOMALAGA 1997 04 O...
- ECOMALAGA 1997 07 O...
- ECOMALAGA 1997 10 O...
- ECOMALAGA 94 Odon D...
- EROS 2000 Garcia De...
- Ecomalaga 0195 Odon...
- Ecomalaga 0204 Odon...
- Ecomalaga 0205 Odon...
- Ecomalaga 0296 Odon...
- Ecomalaga 04 1993 O...
- Ecomalaga 0505 Odon...
- Ecomalaga 07 2004 O...
- Ecomalaga 0705 Odon...
- Ecomalaga 0793 Fran...
- Ecomalaga 10 2004 O...
- Ecomalaga 10 2005 O...
- Ecomalaga 1095 Odon...
- Ecomalaga 1103 Odon...
- Ecomalaga 2006 05 O...
- Ecomalaga 2006 07 O...
- Ecomalaga Ecomurcia...
- Ecomurcia 1997 03 O...
- Ecomurcia 1997 05 O...
- Ecomurcia 1997 09 O...
- Ecomurcia 9607 Jafu...
- Ecomurcia 9611 Jafu...
- Electrical conducti...
- FORMTEC 2017 01 Ang...
- Formentera 93 Franc...
- Fuengirola 1296 ECO...
- Gibraltar
- HIDROESTU 1997 05 J...
- HIVERN 2000 Garcia ...
- HIVERN 99 Garcia De...
- Hidrologia de Tunid...
- Hidroprestige 03 20...
- Huelva 87 Cornide d...
- Huelva 88 Jafuda Cr...
- Huelva 90 Francisco...
- Huelva 91 Odon De B...
- ICTIO ALBORAN 0793 ...
- Ibiza Primo 1991 07...
- Ictioalboran 0791 F...
- Ictioalboran Cadiz ...
- MAHON 1980 Acartia ...
- MAHON 1981 Acartia ...
- MAHON II Jafuda Cre...
- MAHON III Jafuda Cr...
- MAHON IV Jafuda Cre...
- MESOESCALA 1995 Gar...
- MOC AUSTRAL Hesperi...
- MORENA 0593 Cornide...
- Mahon I Jafuda Cres...
- Malaga Oceanographi...
- Mediterraneo I NDCA...
- NORAFRICA I Cornide...
- NORIBERIA I part 2 ...
- Nitrate concentrati...
- Nitrite concentrati...
- Norcanarias 1 Corni...
- OBM II Jafuda Cresq...
- OBM III Jafuda Cres...
- OBM IV Jafuda Cresq...
- OBM V Jafuda Cresqu...
- OBM VI Jafuda Cresq...
- Observations CANIGO...
- Oceanographic geogr...
- Oceanographic time ...
- PART 1 Xauen 29XA
- PART 2 Xauen 29XA
- PELACUS 0398 Thalas...
- PELACUS 0399 Thalas...
- PEMTA 1 Jafuda Cres...
- PEMTA 2 Jafuda Cres...
- PRE SWOT Garcia Del...
- PROSARP part 1 1992...
- Particulate total a...
- Particulate total a...
- Phosphate concentra...
- Primary production ...
- RADBAL 1994 01 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 02 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 03 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 04 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 05 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 06 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 07 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 09 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 10 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 11 Odon...
- RADBAL 1994 12 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 01 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 02 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 03 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 04 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 05 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 06 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 07 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 08 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 09 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 10 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 11 Odon...
- RADBAL 1995 12 Odon...
- RADBAL 1997 11 ECOM...
- RADIAL VIGO 01 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 01 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 01 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 01 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 02 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 02 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 02 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 02 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 03 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 03 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 03 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 03 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 04 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 04 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 04 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 04 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 05 1994...
- RADIAL VIGO 05 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 05 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 05 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 05 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 06 1994...
- RADIAL VIGO 06 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 06 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 06 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 06 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 07 1994...
- RADIAL VIGO 07 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 07 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 07 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 07 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 08 1994...
- RADIAL VIGO 08 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 08 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 08 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 08 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 09 1994...
- RADIAL VIGO 09 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 09 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 09 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 09 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 10 1994...
- RADIAL VIGO 10 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 10 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 10 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 11 1994...
- RADIAL VIGO 11 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 11 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 11 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 11 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 12 1994...
- RADIAL VIGO 12 1995...
- RADIAL VIGO 12 1996...
- RADIAL VIGO 12 1997...
- RADIAL VIGO 12 1998...
- RADIAL VIGO 2017 06...
- RADIAL VIGO 2017 07...
- RADIAL VIGO 2017 08...
- RADIAL VIGO 2017 09...
- RADIAL VIGO 2017 10...
- RADIAL VIGO 2017 11...
- RADIAL VIGO 2018 06...
- RADIAL VIGO 2018 07...
- RADIAL VIGO 2018 09...
- RADIAL VIGO 2018 11...
- RADPROF 201908 RADI...
- RADVIGO 2018 01 Ram...
- RADVIGO 2018 02 Ang...
- RADVIGO 2018 04 Ram...
- ROMB 1 Jafuda Cresq...
- ROMB 2 Jafuda Cresq...
- ROMB 3 Jafuda Cresq...
- ROMB 4 Jafuda Cresq...
- ROMM 82 Naucrates 29NC
- ROMM 83 Naucrates 29NC
- ROMM 84 Naucrates 29NC
- ROMM 85 Jafuda Cres...
- Radial Coruna 01 19...
- Radial Coruna 01 19...
- Radial Coruna 01 19...
- Radial Coruna 02 19...
- Radial Coruna 02 19...
- Radial Coruna 02 19...
- Radial Coruna 03 19...
- Radial Coruna 03 19...
- Radial Coruna 03 19...
- Radial Coruna 04 19...
- Radial Coruna 04 19...
- Radial Coruna 04 19...
- Radial Coruna 05 19...
- Radial Coruna 05 19...
- Radial Coruna 05 19...
- Radial Coruna 06 19...
- Radial Coruna 06 19...
- Radial Coruna 06 19...
- Radial Coruna 07 19...
- Radial Coruna 07 19...
- Radial Coruna 07 19...
- Radial Coruna 07 19...
- Radial Coruna 08 19...
- Radial Coruna 08 19...
- Radial Coruna 09 19...
- Radial Coruna 09 19...
- Radial Coruna 09 19...
- Radial Coruna 10 19...
- Radial Coruna 10 19...
- Radial Coruna 11 19...
- Radial Coruna 11 19...
- Radial Coruna 11 19...
- Radial Coruna 11 19...
- Radial Coruna 12 19...
- Radial Coruna 12 19...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radial Coruna 1996 ...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Radiales Cantabrico...
- Raw fluorometer output
- STOCA INGRES 1012 C...
- Salinity of the wat...
- Santander Oceanogra...
- Silicate concentrat...
- Sistematic and cont...
- Spanish Oceanograph...
- Tanit 1979 Garcia D...
- Temperature of the ...
- Temporal series of ...
- Time series of Ocea...
- Total dissolved ino...
- Transmittance and a...
- UNKNOWN acronym UNK...
- Vertical spatial co...
- Visible waveband ra...
- Visible waveband ra...
- WOCE Hesperides 29HE
- XAUEN 1954 01 Xauen...
- XAUEN 1955 04 ALBOR...
- XAUEN 1955 07 ALBOR...
- XAUEN 1956 01 Xauen...
- XAUEN 1958 03 Xauen...
- Xauen 1952 Xauen 29XA
- Xauen 1953 Xauen 29XA
- Xauen 517 1951 Xaue...
- YOYO I Garcia Del C...
- YOYO II Garcia Del ...
- acidity and pH of t...
- biological meas ref...
- chemical
- ecomalaga 1092 Odon...
Provenance | |
Instrument | discrete water samplers; CTD; water temperature sensor; thermosalinographs; pH sensors; salinity sensor; dissolved gas sensors; fluorometers |
Publisher | Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; SeaDataNet |
Contributor | IEO-CSIC, Spanish Oceanographic Institute; Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies; IEO-CSIC, Santander Oceanographic Centre; IEO-CSIC, Cadiz Oceanographic Centre |
Publication Year | 2024 |
OpenAccess | true |
Contact | blue-cloud-support(at) |
Representation | |
Discipline | Marine Science |
Spatial Coverage | (-80.065W, -69.552S, 11.783E, 45.919N) |
Temporal Coverage Begin | 1915-06-25T00:00:00Z |
Temporal Coverage End | 2021-12-20T00:00:00Z |