The 'Mean Temperature of Catch (MTC)' was estimated for each year of the time series, as proposed by Cheung et al. (2013). This variable is expressed in degrees Celsius. 'Sea Bottom Temperature (SBT)' was derived from estimates provided by the high-resolution ocean general circulation INALT20 model (Schwarzkopf et al., 2019) for the study period (2000-2019) and was calculated by averaging the temperatures over 0.25° x 0.25° grid cells of the BMM and a water column up to 50 m above the seafloor. This variable is expressed is degrees Celsius. 'Annual volume transports of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence (BCt)' was extracted and compiled from Artana et al. (2019). This index was estimated for the period between 2000 and 2017. More detailed information about this index can be accessed in Artana et al. (2019). This variable expressed in Sverdrups (Sv). 'Simpson diversity index (Dm)' express the diversity of demersal fishing métiers (i.e. combination of target species, gear, and time of the year) operating each year of the time series, as determined by a process of classification of individual fishing trips. Catches of each métier operating during each year of time series summed and used to calculate Dm using the Simpson species diversity index formulation.
Compilation of annual environmental (Sea Bottom Temperature), oceanographic (annual volume transport of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence) and fisheries strategy index (Simpson diversity index) time-series in the Brazilian Meridional Margin.Anom_MTC = MTC anomaly. A measure of the MTC variation concerning its time-series averages. Anom_SBT = SBT anomaly. A measure of the SBT variation concerning its time-series averages. Anom_BCt = BCt anomaly. A measure of the annual volume transport of the Brazil Current variation concerning its time-series averages. Anom_Dm = Dm anomaly. A measure of the Simpson index variation concerning its time-series averages.